Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend with Cousins

This last weekend we went to Portland for our nephew Elijah's dedication. It was great to see Drew, Marisa, Sydney and Elijah. Elijah is one of the sweetest babies I've been around and he's got the cutest dimples ever!
Josiah was soooo excited to see Sydney and all he talked about the week before was "Sydney's House!" They had a lot of fun together. Josiah didn't have a nap for three days so unfortunately there was a lot of fits and saying "play nice" every 5 seconds.
Nick and I took Josiah and Sydney to the zoo because Josiah had never been before and because we live in a city that has nothing for children. Josiah loved seeing the Elephants and penguins and Sydney loved the polar bears. Part of the park was under construction so Josiah didn't get to see the lions or giraffes which he would've loved. I'm sure we'll go again so he can see them. We ended up getting the kiddos these elephants glasses that they wore all the way home.
The cousins had a great time together and we can't wait to get down there again.

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