Friday, April 30, 2010


Since I just gave an update on Sophia, I figured I should do the same for Josiah.
He's quite the big brother. He's done a great job with Sophia and I couldn't be more thankful.
Josiah's favorite things:
-Puzzles, math, trains, daddy's iphone
Josiah's Stats:
33 lbs, 40 in
Josiah sayings:
He told me had to turn off some music because "it was too funky!"
He told me he burped out his butt
He told me Jesus would protect me and that he would too.
He told me that his noodles tasted "Stupendous."
He says the word "awesome" about 5 times a day.
Every morning he says, "It's a beautiful day."

Sophia at 6 months

Sophia turned 6 months on April 26th. Time has gone by so fast and I feel like I can't keep up. I guess that is obvious by my horrible blog updating-I'm working on it!
She's growing but is definitely a petite little girl. We like to call her "Peanut." She's rolling all over and is learning to sit up on her own. She started baby food and she loves carrots and she's not sure about green beans.
She weighs 12 lbs 11 oz and is 24 3/4 in.
This last week has been great. We are starting see her own personality come through. She blows bubbles all the time, she loves to copy daddy, and has full on belly laughs when Josiah giggles. It's so cute!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Rice Cereal...Yummo!

She wasn't too sure about trying something new. She's definitely got the hang of it now. She wasn't and still isn't a fan of rice cereal. If I mix it with a vegetable she'll eat it no problem. Josiah loved his rice cereal. It's funny to see the difference between them.
She's had all the vegetables and a few meats. She gags on the meats so now we are starting fruits. She LOVES her bananas!