Monday, April 27, 2009

Zebras and Wallaroos

This weekend we went searching for flowers and plants to replace the horrible weed-like bushes and rose bushes. We went to a couple of the nurserys around town and we came to one that didn't have much flowers but had some fun animals. My friend had written a blog about a zebra and wallaroo being at a nursery in town but I couldn't remember where it was. I am so glad we came across it because Josiah is still talking about the zebra and wallaroo. Josiah got to pet the zebra but the wallaroo was a little shy. It was pretty funny to see a zebra wandering around the nursery wearing a pink harness.
At the nursery they had kits to plant vegetables made by VeggieTales. Josiah really wanted to buy a Larry and Bob, but we don't have an area to plant vegetables yet. I want to have a vegetable garden sometime. Josiah knows all his veggies but won't eat them on his own (I have to hide them). I had cut up a cucumber the other day and he said, "That's Larry." I was pretty surprised he knew that after it was cut up. Some day we will buy him some vegetable seeds so he can make his own Bob and Larry.
Another fun thing we did this weekend was flying a kite. We bought Josiah a frog kite and waited for some wind. Saturday was a little breazy so we headed to the neighborhood park and flew the kite. Josiah loved it! "Froggy in the sky" he would say. We had a fun weekend!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend with Cousins

This last weekend we went to Portland for our nephew Elijah's dedication. It was great to see Drew, Marisa, Sydney and Elijah. Elijah is one of the sweetest babies I've been around and he's got the cutest dimples ever!
Josiah was soooo excited to see Sydney and all he talked about the week before was "Sydney's House!" They had a lot of fun together. Josiah didn't have a nap for three days so unfortunately there was a lot of fits and saying "play nice" every 5 seconds.
Nick and I took Josiah and Sydney to the zoo because Josiah had never been before and because we live in a city that has nothing for children. Josiah loved seeing the Elephants and penguins and Sydney loved the polar bears. Part of the park was under construction so Josiah didn't get to see the lions or giraffes which he would've loved. I'm sure we'll go again so he can see them. We ended up getting the kiddos these elephants glasses that they wore all the way home.
The cousins had a great time together and we can't wait to get down there again.

Coloring Easter Eggs

I grew up coloring easter eggs every Easter and so I thought it'd be fun for Josiah to do the same. He had a lot of fun and was pretty amazed at what happened to the white egg. It's always fun to see him thinking, trying to figure things out.
His favorite part was putting stickers on the eggs and drawing on the eggs before we dyed them-of course I don't have a picture of that...oh well.
Unfortunately it was raining on Easter so Josiah had to do his hunt inside the house and he had a great time finding the eggs. Thanks to Grandma who had eggs to hide which were filled with teddy grahams.
Can't wait for next Easter-Josiah will be a little over 3 years old and we'll have a little baby.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

That's My Boy

I found this picture while I was organizing files on the computer. This is pretty typical of Josiah, he's always taking our shoes. I still can't figure out how he got my boots on and then managed to stand up.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Our small group put on an easter egg hunt for 150 people this weekend. It was a lot of fun to see all the kids and Josiah definitely enjoyed himself- well...for the first hour anyway. He was pretty tired after the easter egg hunt and the bounce house. It was great, well, except for the weather- it was super windy!!
Josiah got to color his own bag for the easter egg hunt. He wasn't very into the hunting part but he did find three eggs. He had found this stick at the beginning of the day and was more worried about losing his stick then hunting for eggs.
The bounce house was great when the little kids got a turn. Josiah and cousin Evan got to go inside together. Granddad was kind enough to get inside and help them up to the slide. He did this about 4 times and then he was ready for lunch and a nap time. Thanks to Grannie and Granddad Coleman for watching Josiah so Nick and I could continue to help the event.
The event turned out great and some of the kids said it was the best easter they ever had. Maybe next year Josiah will be more interested in the egg hunt and hopefully the weather will be much better.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

"Outside Outside!"

This whole week has been sunny and beautiful outside. We've been outside almost everyday and Josiah is always asking to go "Outside!!" When we go outside he wants Nemo to come too. We bought Nemo at Walmart for less than $10 and he blows bubbles, which Josiah greatly enjoys and scares Jake. Although today Jake started to chase the bubbles and eat them-Josiah thought this was great!
A couple days ago, after I worked in the yard for two hours- which I'm never doing again pregnant. I didn't think it'd effect me, but it did and I am still sore. Stupid lawnmower! I was trying to suprise Nick. Anyway. After the yard was done and Nick got home from work, I had him bring down Josiah's huge slide climbing toy outside. Josiah loves having the "castle" outside and so do I because now I have more room in my family room.
It was fun letting him run around our backyard. He would stay outside all day if he could and he definitely lets me know when I take him inside-it's quite a battle.
I loved taking these pictures of him today because he was so willing to smile. Josiah will normally say "Cheese" and then run away. You can definitely tell he was enjoying himself

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Three years ago...

Three years ago today, Nick and I were on our way home from Thailand. Little did we know the next day we would find out we were pregnant with Josiah. Time has definitely flown by especially now that we are pregnant with our second child.
Seeing Josiah's newborn pictures makes me even more excited for the next baby. I can't wait for October. Although, there are a lot of things I need to do before this baby comes. Finish potty training, get Josiah's big boy bed and move his stuff into the other bedroom. I just took his binky away (yes I know he's over 2 and doesn't need it). I was dreading it because I knew it'd be a horrible experience, but he actually didn't even seem to care.
I was looking for a more recent picture of Josiah to add to this post, but I couldn't find a super recent one. Our camera has needed batteries for a couple months so I need to get on that and then I can hopefully get some recent pictures on this blog for you all to see.
This bottom picture is one of the day Josiah was born. I was scheduled to have a c-section since Josiah was upside down. I am looking forward to see more newborn pictures in October.